Digital Marketing: Targeting Senior Living Prospects More Effectively
May 17, 2022

While targeting the family and friends of an older adult is a key focus for many senior living marketing strategies, you don’t want to overlook marketing directly to the individuals you want to move into your community. You could be missing out on key opportunities to influence senior audiences and expand your brand’s reach by neglecting to do so.
As a digital marketing agency specializing in senior living, our team at Markentum understands that tailoring your efforts to resonate with several different audiences can be a challenge. To help you with your efforts, we are sharing a few tips on targeting the senior population more effectively.
Personalize Their Experience
Many older adults prefer a more personal touch. They grew up in a time when automated messaging and self-service were basically nonexistent. To reach and connect with aging adults, you will need to personalize their experience through customer service, traditional forms of communication, and personal contact.
This can be as simple as:
- Having a live person respond to inquiries via a phone call,
- Encouraging individuals to call your community for more information,
- Or using personalized greetings in emails.
According to Search Engine Journal, “once [seniors] feel they are heard and valued by the company, they are motivated more to share that experience and repeat it.”
Simplify Whenever Possible
Older adults didn’t grow up with iPads, laptops, or Google. So even though 86% of individuals ages 55-64 use a smartphone, 94% use the internet at home, and 73% have a social media profile, that doesn’t meet you should overcomplicate their experience.
A good way to target seniors more effectively and have them be more receptive to your senior living digital marketing efforts is to simplify when you can. Make the benefits of your services and life in your community clear. Create action steps that are concise and easy to follow. Whenever possible, your call-to-action should be a one-click option.
Understand Generational Values
It is important to connect with your audience when marketing to anyone. This is done by building trust and relationships. By understanding what is important to your audience, including their core values, you can resonate with them and increase their engagement with your brand.
Search Engine Journal states, “it’s important to reach all generations in your marketing strategy and modify your message to each audience based on each campaign’s chosen social media platform and intended audience.”
This may sound more complicated than it actually is. Most users, including older adults, hold values such as trust, honesty, and authenticity and these values should be apparent in your marketing efforts.
Take Advantage of Video
According to Google, “1 in 3 [baby] boomers use YouTube to learn about a product or service.”
Video is a powerful tool in the world of marketing. It is a great way to build trust, boost SEO, and show your services and community versus simply writing about them. In addition, using video is also a great way to bridge the gap between online and offline user journeys.
Again, a personal and more traditional experience is what many older adults prefer. You can portray what life is like in your community yourself through video. While you may not be speaking directly to your audience, they can see you, build a connection, and resonate with what you are saying.
Video platforms like YouTube provide a happy medium between traditional in-person marketing and digital marketing.
More and more older adults are taking advantage of the internet and all that it has to offer. It’s a marketing mistake to assume that older adults are not making decisions when it comes to choosing their senior living options.
At Markentum, we specialize in helping our partners maximize their digital marketing efforts for their senior living communities. Contact us for a free evaluation to learn more about how we can help you.