Discover how to drive traffic to your company or community's special events, like a Grand Opening celebration.
Kim Rosengren's Posts
Digital Savvy For
Senior Living Marketers.
At Markentum, we geek out on marketing trends, insights, and emerging technologies from all over the senior living market. Here’s what’s on our minds now.
The Markentum CEO, Kim Rosengren, shares the essential questions to ask an agency to determine if they are the right fit to boost your marketing efforts.
Discover how case studies and testimonials can serve as a valuable tool during the lead generation and sales process.
The Markentum team shares the basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and how to implement content on your website to improve your rankings.
Markentum shares how you can get more consistent and more qualified leads at a higher volume by implementing a solid marketing foundation.
Discover five mediums to support lead generation and keep your sales funnel engaged.
Markentum’s new CEO, Kim Rosengren, shares how storytelling is an effective way to attract future residents.