Video is captivating, and it’s no wonder it’s taking over the marketing space as a must-have tool in your arsenal of communication.
Digital Savvy For
Senior Living Marketers.
At Markentum, we geek out on marketing trends, insights, and emerging technologies from all over the senior living market. Here’s what’s on our minds now.
Let’s be honest, there is no shortage of digital marketing agencies to choose from. Markentum is sharing six things to consider when looking to hire.
Though it can be a quick and easy way to build your contact database, in the long run, buying an email list can cause severe issues for your email marketing strategy and your brand.
Markentum is sharing four common content marketing mistakes to help you avoid frustration and, hopefully, yield better results!
While video conferencing has undoubtedly made our work more efficient and improved our ability to meet and communicate more often, Markentum still believes there is value in meeting on-site, face-to-face, with our partners.
One of the biggest misconceptions with social media is who actually uses it. More often than not, social media is seen as a millennial's game and not popular amongst the senior demographic, but research is showing that is not the case.
If you look at the digital marketing landscape, it’s multiple networks, tools, and websites pushing out the same thing – content.
Markentum is here to be your internet marketing guru! We want to help your senior living community focus on the social media strategies that will benefit your community and your business.
Ensuring that your team is properly handling a negative online review will determine whether the user removes the review & the impact it has on your brand.